Parents, guardians and spectators are expected to:

  • Show exemplary behaviour by respecting and appreciating match officials,opposition players, coaches, managers and spectators.
  • Deliver and collect your child punctually before and after training,matches and club events.
  • Support and motivate all players, including the opposition, and encourage your child to do the same.
  • Encourage your child to obey the laws of the game and teach them that they can only do their best.
  • Never publicly criticise, ridicule or embarrass any children.
  • Ensure your child has kit and clothing appropriate to the environment and weather conditions.
  • Ensure that proper sportswear and protective kit are provided and worn.
  • Disclose any medical concerns or changes in medical conditions to the Club Safeguarding Officer and the Team Manager.
  • Not place unnecessary pressure on your child or push them into activities they do not want to do. Applaud effort and good play.
  • Not to interfere with coach instructions and not to confuse the players by telling them what to do.
  • Encourage all children not to discriminate on the grounds of religious beliefs, race, gender, social classes or lack of ability.
  • Accept that striving to win is more important than winning itself.
  • Respect the decisions of the match officials.
  • Ensure that your child has read and understood their Code of Conduct.
  • Not to post anything inappropriate, or negative on social media which may bring the
    game into disrepute.
  • Display high standards, behave responsibly and never engage in or tolerate the use of foul, abusive, insulting or inappropriate words, behaviour or gestures.
  • Get Behind the Line and not enter the field of play without prior permission from the referee.
  • Make football fun.

Players are expected to:

  • Show exemplary behaviour by respecting and listening to match officials and your coaches.
  • Show respect to your opponents and shake their hands after each game.
  • Accept responsibility for your own performance and behaviour.
  • Treat all fellow players equally.
  • Be friendly and welcoming to new players.
  • Not bully or make anyone feel unhappy or sad.
  • Encourage, support and co-operate with your team-mates.
  • Keep yourself safe.
  • Tell someone you trust about inappropriate or risky behaviour or if something makes you unhappy or uncomfortable.
  • Take care of equipment owned by the club.
  • Not discriminate on the grounds of religious beliefs, race, gender, social classes or lack of ability. Respect other people.
  • Not take part in rough or dangerous play, bullying, or the use of bad language or inappropriate behaviour.
  • Appreciate the efforts of all players.
  • Not get involved in peer pressure and push others to do something they do not want to do.
  • Accept that striving to win is more important than winning itself.
  • Always pursue fair play – stick to the laws and the spirit of the game.
  • Be positive, approachable and offer praise to promote the objectives of the club at all times.
  • Display high standards, behave responsibly and never use foul, abusive, insulting or inappropriate words, behaviour or gestures.
  • Respect and listen to the opinions of fellow players.
  • Not to post anything nasty on social media which may bring the game into disrepute.

Coaches, Managers and volunteers are expected to:

  • Ensure the safety of all children by providing effective supervision, proper pre-planning of coaching sessions, using safe methods at all times.
  • Undertake a DBS check every 3 years, or as required, and complete registration on the comet system.
  • Consider the wellbeing and safety of participants before the development of performance. Child welfare must always be the paramount consideration.
  • Show exemplary behaviour by respecting match officials, opposition players, coaches, managers and spectators.
  • Encourage and guide participants to accept responsibility for their own performance and behaviour.
  • Treat all players equally by supporting and motivating all players. Have no favourites.
  • Give all players, whatever their ability, the chance to play.
  • Encourage all children not to discriminate on the grounds of religious beliefs, race, gender, social classes or lack of ability.
  • Not allow any rough or dangerous play, bullying, or the use of bad language or inappropriate behaviour.
  • Appreciate the efforts of all players and not over-train them.
  • Accept that striving to win is more important than winning itself.
  • Always pursue fair play – adhere to the laws and the spirit of the game.
  • Be positive, approachable and offer praise to promote the objectives of the club at all times.
  • Display high standards, behave responsibly and never engage in or tolerate the use of foul, abusive, insulting or inappropriate words, behaviour or gestures.
  • Get Behind the Line and not enter the field of play without prior permission from the referee.
  • Not let any allegations of abuse of any kind or poor practice to go unchallenged or unrecorded. Incidents and accidents to be recorded in the line with the club’s procedures & parents to be informed.
  • Never use sanctions that humiliate or harm players.
  • Organise activities appropriate to the player’s ability level, age and maturity.
  • Respect and listen to the opinions of players.
  • Not to post anything inappropriate, or negative on social media which may bring the game into disrepute.
  • Refrain from smoking or drinking alcohol during club activities or training sessions
  • Be aware of the FAW Safeguarding Policy, Procedures & Practices and observe the responsibilities involved, including the FAW Communication guidelines.
  • Not abuse members physically, emotionally or sexually.
  • Not engage in a sexual relationship with a young person for whom they are responsible
  • Maintain confidentiality about sensitive information.
  • Not spending excessive amounts of time alone with children unless there are exceptional circumstances
  • Not administering First Aid involving the removing of children’s clothing unless in the presence of others.
  • Hold appropriate and valid qualifications and insurance cover

Club Safeguarding Officers are expected to:

  • Undertake a DBS check every 3 years, or as required, and submit their DBS certificate to the FAW.
  • Undertake the FAW Child Welfare Course and revalidate this as necessary.
  • Administer the FAW DBS programme at club level by ensuring that coaches and relevant personnel undertake DBS checks and submit their DBS certificates to the FAW and have current and valid FAW numbers.
  • Ensure that child welfare is always the paramount consideration.
  • Treat all players equally.
  • Encourage all children not to discriminate on the grounds of religious beliefs, race, gender, social classes or lack of ability.
  • Ensure that the Clubs Junior Football Portal is updated or that there is a club Portal Champion in place to do so.
  • Ensure that parents and children know who the CSO is, and that contact details are available.
  • Not allow any rough or dangerous play, bullying, or the use of bad language or inappropriate behaviour.
  • Be positive, approachable and offer praise to promote the objectives of the club at all times.
  • Display high standards, behave responsibly and never engage in or tolerate the use of foul, abusive, insulting or inappropriate words, behaviour or gestures.
  • Ensure that the club is compliant with the FAW Club Accreditation Programme, and attains the
    minimum standard level required for entry into the junior league, in partnership with the Club Committee.
  • Not let any allegations of abuse of any kind or poor practice to go unchallenged or unrecorded. Incidents and accidents to be recorded in the line with the club’s procedures & parents to be informed.
  • Investigate minor safeguarding and poor practice issues promptly, communicating decisions in writing along with a right of appeal to the Junior League.
  • Refer issues that cannot be dealt with at club level to the League Safeguarding Officer.
  • Never use sanctions that humiliate or harm players.
  • Respect and listen to the opinions of players.
  • Implement best practice at club level with the use of Codes of Conduct, policies etc
  • Not to post anything inappropriate, or negative on social media which may bring the game into disrepute.
  • Refrain from smoking or drinking alcohol during club activities or training sessions.
  • Be aware of the FAW Safeguarding Policy, Procedures & Practices and observe the responsibilities involved.
  • Not abuse members physically, emotionally or sexually.
  • Not engage in a sexual relationship with a young person for whom they are responsible
  • Maintain confidentiality about sensitive information.
  • Not spend excessive amounts of time alone with children unless there are exceptional circumstances
  • Not administer First Aid involving the removing of children’s clothing unless in the presence of others.

Anti Bullying Policy

Cwm Welfare Football Club recognises its duty of care and responsibility to safeguard its participants from harm and abuse and is committed to working together to ensure bullying is kicked out of football
We acknowledge that bullying can present itself in many different forms, including but not limited to:

– Physical: e.g. pushing, kicking, hitting, pinching etc. Verbal: e.g. name-calling, spreading rumours, persistent teasing, sarcasm etc.
– Emotional: e.g. tormenting, ridiculing, humiliating etc.
– Sexual: e.g. unwanted physical contact or abusive comments
– Racist: e.g. racial taunts, graffiti, gestures
– Homophobic: because of, or focusing on, the issue of sexuality
– Stealing: taking or using another’s property without consent
– Cyber bullying: posting derogatory or abusive comments, videos or images on social networking sites

We also recognise that it is more likely that children with a disability, from ethnic minorities, young people who are gay, bisexual or lesbian, or those with learning difficulties will be more vulnerable to this form of abuse. The damage inflicted by bullying can cause considerable distress to children, to the extent that it affects their health and development, or at
the extreme, causes them significant harm (including self-harm). As part of football club’s commitment to tackle the above behaviors, we will undertake the following:

– Ensure that bullying behaviour is not accepted or condoned
– Require all club members to be given information about, and sign up to adopt this Policy
– Require all club members to be given information about, and sign up to adopt this Policy
– Encourage anyone who may be suffering from bullying to come forward to report it
– Report suspected cases of bullying early so as to allow prompt and collective action to be taken
– Listen to and support those who are suspected to have suffered bullying
– Take all matters of bullying seriously
– Take appropriate action to investigate and respond to all alleged incidents of bullying, including online as
well as offline behaviour
– Provide support to those who bully and encourage them to change their behaviour and stop bullying
– Create an open environment to reduce the available opportunities for bullying to take place
– Ensure coaches etc. are given appropriate training and guidance on bullying in order to spot early warning
signs and allow early intervention
– Encourage children and other participates to feed into and to develop this Policy
– Recognise the importance of confidentiality
As a club, we will also take necessary steps to ensure that each participant, coach, volunteer or official is encouraged to
undertake the following principles:
– Respect the feelings and views of others
– Acknowledge that everyone is different; individual qualities, contributions and progress should be embraced and valued